*** NOTICE ***
All employees are required to read, understand, acknowledge, and consent to the company rules and regulations (ACH LAW) as part of the employment condition at the Ale & Cider House. Please note that ACH LAW may change without notice so please check back to this site at least once a month to keep up with the most recent company rules and regulations. If you have any question, please feel free to ask one of the management members.
Once you read this, please submit your name and date below to acknowledge that you have read ACH LAW.
*** Employment at Will ***
We reserve the right to employ at will. This means that employment can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of the company or at the option of the employee. These policies are not to be construed as a contract of employment. We expressly reserve the right to change, add to, or delete policies at any time. Changes will be effective on dates determined by the company, and you may not rely on policies that have been superseded.
The following Rules and Regulations shall apply to all employees of the Company while in the Company’s premise at all times including break times and overtime:
All Employees serving alcoholic beverages must have a valid alcoholic drink server and food handling permit and be fully aware of the most recent OLCC Law. Please click here to review and update your knowledge on the OLCC Retail Law.
Each employee must act in accordance with the company’s policies, orders, rules, regulations, guidelines etc. applicable from time to time.
The Company expects each employee to maintain proper decorum. Employees are expected to conduct themselves on the job in a manner that contributes to operating effectiveness, productivity, safety and a harmonious work environment.
The duty must be performed in good faith and a brief reporting of the work done in the entire day must be given to the General Manager.
Proper registers must be maintained for easy tracking and record keeping such as write in a log book about customer incident related issues.
No employee shall be under the influence of or using the drug and alcoholic beverages, including drinking such beverages during work hours. Any employee arriving to work under the influence of alcohol or an illegal substance will not be permitted to work.
No employee shall drive a Company’s vehicle or operate any equipment while under the influence of alcohol.
You are required to be at your appointed work place and ready to begin work at the appointed starting time. Irregular attendance or tardiness will not be tolerated and may result in termination.
Employees who will be late or absent from work must inform their Supervisor at least four (4) hours prior to the normal starting time.
Under no circumstances should employees leave the assigned work area early without express permission from a Supervisor.
Employees who work late ensure that all lights are shut off and the workplace is properly secured when they leave the work place.
Dress code is to be followed strictly. Employees must wear their uniforms at locations where uniforms are required. You are expected to look neat and presentable while on the job.
If employees do not meet the company’s expectations of performance or conduct, necessary corrective action may be taken. It is within management’s discretion to determine what measure would be appropriate under each circumstance.
Dress Code
All employees, in the retail area, who are serving customers directly are required to wear appropriate A&CH approved uniform/dress.
Employees are required to have a professional appearance* in dealing with customers such as no excessive tattoo, ear, nose, and tongue piercings. Please check with the management if you have any issue on this.
* All uniform and shoes appearance should be clean, tidy, and orderly (including tuck your shirt in). Workers with a tattoo will be permitted as long as they are covered reasonably and approved by your supervisor.
Tips & Cash Handling
No employees shall be allowed to take the cash out of tip jars without consent from other peers until the end of shift hours. If anyone takes any cash without consent from other workers during the same shift, this will be considered as an act of theft and subject to immediate employee termination and possibly turn over to the law enforcement. Please make sure to check with attending manager FIRST if you wish to take any cash out of the tip jar and/or cash register!
Our business is based on collective tips ("Tip Pool") without having dedicated servers. 100% of the Tip Pool money shall be disbursed to all part-time and full-time employees as follows:
65% to general taproom/soda bar/bottleshop operations.
25% to food prep and private event coordination.
10% to kitchen, taproom, facility maintenance, and customer service support.
Employee Break and Time Off
According to the Oregon Labor Law, for non-exempt (hourly) employees are required to comply the employee break rules as follows:
For kitchen, non-exempt, workers:
Employees may not waive their 10 minutes paid break and 30 minutes unpaid meal break required by law.
For 4 hours of work shift:
10 minutes of paid break outside of work area (two hours and one minute segment).
For 6 hours work shift:
10 minutes of paid break and 30 minutes of unpaid meal break.
For 8 hours work shift:
Two 10 minutes of paid break end of each 4 hour shift and 30 minutes of unpaid meal break
For non-exempt retail workers:
Employee may waive unpaid meal break. Employees must sign the waiver form to revoke the unpaid meal break no less than seven (7) calendar days notice to the Employer.
Unless Employees sign the Waiver Form, Oregon labor laws require employers to provide employees with at least a 30-minute unpaid meal period when the work period is six (6) hours or greater.
An employer is not required to provide a rest period to an employee when all of the following conditions are met:
The employee is 18 years of age or older;
The employee works less than five hours in any period of 16 continuous hours;
The employee is working alone;
The employee is employed in a retail or service establishment, i.e., a place where goods and services are sold to the general public, not for resale; and
The employee is allowed to leave the employee’s assigned station when the employee must use the restroom facilities.
For exempt employees:
In general, to be considered an “exempt” employee, you must be paid a salary (not hourly) and must perform executive, administrative or professional duties. Classified as exempt employees, are not entitled to overtime pay as guaranteed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
All salary employees are required to submit a weekly work schedule to his/her supervisor with a minimum of 2 weeks advance notice for approval. Please see the Employee Schedule Form below (alternate e-form/e-mail is also acceptable).
All salary employees' Person Time Off (PTO) or Vacation Time Off (VTO) are defined as follows:
Any day employee takes time off out of work days.
Any sick day off out of work days.
Normal work hours-per-day will be defined as 9 hours with approximately one hour of lunch and/or break time off. Five days a week is defined as a normal work week.
If an employee needs to take a day or two off with short notice and wishes to substitute a day or two for an alternate day to work, the employee must get approval from his/her supervisor. If not approved, PTO/VTO day(s) will be imposed on him/her. It is not acceptable to just inform his/her supervisor to take a day off without the pre-approval.
Any PTO/VTO more than five days, employees must submit for Employee Time Off form below for approval from his/her supervisor a minimum of four weeks in advance.
In the event of violation of these rule, disciplinary action will be imposed at his/her supervisor's discretion.
Note: Please consult with your supervisor if have any question and/or need to deviate from this rule.
Time Clock
All hourly employees need to clock in and clock out according to the pre-approved Sling work schedule.
If you happen to come to work early, you need to wait until the approved Sling time is up (within +/- 7 minutes are allowed). Likewise, you are required to clock out according to the pre-approved Sling time schedule unless you are requested to stay longer or clock-in early by the scheduling manager.
All hourly employees must clock out during the personal break time or making a personal phone call longer than a minute. Any violation of this time clock rule will be subject to appropriate discipline and the time clock will be adjusted.
Personal Phone Use
Mobile phone calls and/or non-work related web browsing shall not be allowed during work hours. All personal mobile phones, other than a business unit supervisor/leader, shall be stored away in a secure place during work time. If a personal emergency contact is necessary, your family members and/or friends may contact the General the company number 503.302.2432 or your supervisor. Please get approval from your supervisor if you need to have a mobile phone with you for some reason. Any violation of this phone use rule shall be recored in your employee log.
Employee Drink and Food Rules
All employees are required to enter food and drink purchase items in the POS system regardless it is discounted drink or meal or not. (And, PLEASE no employees to eat in the kitchen!)
All violators will be logged into the employee discipline file.
Uniformed employees are required to eat food and drinks in the closed office room or an area away from customers during work hours. Please ask your supervisor if you have any question on this.
Family and Friends Visit
Your family and friends are welcome to visit you during work time. However, if you need to "chat" longer than 7 minutes, unless it is a directly involved with our business and approved by your supervisor, you are required to clock out and take a break per the break time rule (regardless of they buy food and drinks or not). Please use your professional judgment to deal with family and friends visiting you during work time.
No Cursing and Swearing
Employees, including management members, shall not be allowed to curse and use swearing words during work hours.
Over Time Rule
Our standard work week is defined as Monday through Sunday and business hours are posted on our website.
For hourly workers, non-exempt employees, overtime is defined as any work hours exceed 40 hours in the standard work week. Any overtime work hours must be pre-approved (see over time approval form below) by Employer. Any Employee worked overtime without prior authorization is considered to be in violation of Company overtime rule, and subject to discipline and recorded in the Employee Log Book, even though the Oregon State Law requires Company to compensate at the overtime pay rate.
Over time rule does not apply to salary workers, exempt employees.
No Smoking Cigarettes and Cannabis Allowed
Employees are not allowed to smoke in the work premises under any circumstance. If you are a smoker, and must smoke, you need to get approval from your supervisor and smoke away from the work premisses during your unpaid break time.
POS Handling
All retail employees are required to handle POS properly unless he/she is not required to perform such duty upon General Manager's approval.
All customer order purchases must be closed with cash or credit card, if not a TAP must be opened with a valid credit card. In the event of failure to perform this duty properly and/or not open the tap with a credit card, the responsible employee shall be disciplined and a penalty shall be imposed at the discretion of General Manager.
Food and Drink Handling
All kitchen personnel, while preparing food, are required to wash hands with soap twice and wear rubber gloves, as required, to prevent any contamination of food.
All kitchen personnel is required to wear appropriate clean uniform/clothes and hat to cover hair from falling into food. Absolutely no dirty clothes from outside of kitchen are allowed in the kitchen area.
All Taproom and Cafe personnel are required to wash hands with soap properly before handling drinking cups.
All Employees are required to keep the working area clean and free of possible contamination and dirt.
All kitchen and retail servers are required to wash hands again at the handwash station after existing restroom before handling customer food and drinks.
Employee Restroom Use
All employees to use he/her gender designated restroom. The ADA/ Family Restroom is primarily for people with young children and babies or disabled people. Employee should not be using this restroom unless it is an emergency situation or no other restroom is available.
Customer Physical Contacts
Employees serving the retail area are strongly discouraged from touching, rubbing, or hugging customers excessively, and especially, toward the opposite sex.
Romance in the Workplace Policy
Employee Relationship:
No person in a management or supervisory position shall have a romantic or dating relationship with an employee whom he or she directly supervises or whose terms or conditions of employment he or she may influence (examples of terms or conditions of employment include promotion, termination, discipline, and compensation). In addition, no employees working in the same department shall have such a relationship. A department is defined as a group of employees who report directly to the same supervisor.
Prior Employee Relationships
A supervisor or manager who has had a previous romantic or dating relationship with a subordinate or employee whose terms and conditions he or she may influence will not be involved in decisions relating to that individual's promotions, raises, termination or other terms and conditions of employment.
Policy Protocols And Consequences
All employees engaged in a romantic or dating relationship are required to notify the General Manager or President. Individuals involved in a relationship covered by this policy may be asked to sign a document acknowledging that their relationship is entirely consensual and free from coercion and harassment. At the discretion of 7Bev, one of the individuals involved in the relationship may be subject to transfer or termination of employment. If transfer or termination is appropriate, to the extent possible, 7Bev will give individuals involved in the relationship the opportunity to select one employee in the relationship who will be subject to a change in employment status (transfer or termination). If the individuals involved in the relationship decline to make this decision, 7Bev will do so.
Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Workplace dating or romantic relationships must not interfere with any employee's professionalism, including treating others with respect and refraining from behavior that may make others feel uncomfortable (for example, overt physical displays of affection and using sexual language). In particular, management personnel is expected to set a high standard of professional conduct both at work and in any social setting at events sponsored by 7Bev. For this reason, management personnel are prohibited from social interaction with subordinates that is or might be perceived as inappropriate (for example, unwanted flirting, touching or other behavior that may be regarded as sexual harassment).
Discretion And Non-discrimination
7Bev retains discretion in its enforcement of this policy. Decisions made under this policy will be made based on operational and business reasons and without regard to sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, citizenship, physical or mental disability, military service or application, or any other protected characteristic under federal, state or local law.
Ethics Code
1. Be inclusive. We welcome and support people of all backgrounds and identities. This includes, but is not limited to members of any sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, sex, age, size, family status, political belief, religion, and mental and physical ability.
2. Be considerate. We all depend on each other to produce the best work we can as a company. Your decisions will affect clients and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
3. Be respectful. We won't all agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for disrespectful behavior. We will all experience frustration from time to time, but we cannot allow that frustration to become personal attacks. An environment where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive or creative one.
4. Choose your words carefully. Always conduct yourself professionally. Be kind to others. Do not insult or put down others. Harassment and exclusionary behavior aren't acceptable. This includes, but is not limited to:
Threats of violence.
Discriminatory/racial jokes and language.
Sharing sexually explicit or violent material via electronic devices or other means.
Personal insults, especially those using racist or sexist terms.
Unwelcome sexual attention.
Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior.
5. Don't harass. In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. When we disagree, try to understand why. Differences of opinion and disagreements are mostly unavoidable. What is important is that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively.
6. Make differences into strengths. We can find strength in diversity. Different people have different perspectives on issues, and that can be valuable for solving problems or generating new ideas. Being unable to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that they’re wrong. Don’t forget that we all make mistakes, and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere. Instead, focus on resolving issues and learning from mistakes.
Employee Acknowledgment and Consent Form
Please submit your name and date to acknowledge and consent to ACH LAW.
Ale & Cider House
A Retail Operation of 7Bev Corporation
1720 Willamette Falls Drive,
West Linn, OR 97068
Open To Public Hours :
Monday & Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday through Saturday: 3 pm to 10 pm
Sunday: 3 pm to 8 pm
© 2025. All rights reserved.